River Laxelv (Norway) 


  Photo contrib. P.& K.Majeran 

Laxelv, the salmon river. We spent here some days and we had the chance to fish the various zones the river is split in. We start at Zone Zero. This is the area that includes the estuary of the river in the fjord.

This lower part is affected by the tide and closer to the sea the water is brackish. We arrive at low tide and we wait for the level to go. Which happens quite swiftly. The reindeer were sitting over there a few minutes ago and left at the first signs of rising water.

In a moment we find ourselves in wading and see sign of fish.

A swarm of char falls prey of the pink shrimp. Well shaped fish, perhaps preparing for the run of maybe they just dwell here. Surprisingly they were swimming in ankle-deep water, thus never underestimate the proximity to the shore.

By blind casting close to submerged rocks we catch some seatrout. Not big fish though but good. The pink shrimps keeps on scoring.

Leaving the estuary and moving upstream. Some area seem empty of fish and some other are full of small seatrout that rise on insects.

We spot some big fish rising but manage to catch only smaller ones. Every now and then a torpedo sized fish leaves a trail in the middle of the watercourse. In spite of our efforts and casting in the right trajectory there is nothing that seem to be able to stop them. It looks like these big fish are only transiting by

Moving upstream, zone 1, 2 and 3 are for the salmon angler.

The Pahanmukka pool. The size of the available landing net leave no doubt, here it is a place where large salmon station to rest before moving forward upstream.

A lovely stretch, a deep current. We try our luck but nothing in sight.

We change a number of flies and we lose many in the sunken trees.

We reach the next pool and here the salmon show their presence, jumping in the middle of the stream and close to the opposite bank.

We spend almost the all day and night here, casting, resting, having a frugal meal at the open fire. The salmon did not want to cooperate.

While drifting a green highlander to the edge of current , a nice salmon rises and bites. Despite of the triplet employed on the tube fly he sets free. The first and last contact of the day.

Farther upstream, zone 4. A relatively short zone but with interesting pools. If downstream there was not much salmon activity, here it really seems too early in the season. I spent some hours in perfet places but no sign of salmon.

Plenty of grayling attack my green highlander or whatever other color I would use.

A perfect salmon pool in zone 4. But only grayling here too.

In the next pool upstream a jumping salmon fires new hope and locks me for hours. I change many flies but no way to convince him.

I try my luck in a long area of fast flowing current, some small trout and parr bite the black tube fly. I cast till two in the morning before heading back to the camp.

The day after, despite the several attempts in gorgeus places, the music does not change and only grayling fall on the tube flies. A pity, but so it is salmon fishing.

Archived our hope for salmon we move upstream to zone 5.

We do not even try with salmon rods. We 'dust off' our 5 rods and dry flies.

Here it is a dry fly paradise. We bend rods almost on any cast.

Grayling are rising every where, from flat pools to fast ripples.

Every 10 fish a good over 40 cm is hooked.

Double nymph or nymph and dry return every now and then a double fish. If you think that hooking 100 fish in an afternoon is impossible here it is the place to be disproved!
